Monthly Review of Hvac Products Pushing the Edge of the Envelope
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The Quietest and most Efficient Furnace Available
With an industry leading AFUE rating of up to 98.2%, the new Lennox SLP98V variable capacity gas furnace delivers the efficiency, quietness, and comfort you and/or your customers want. Installation and service are easy.
Like cruise control for home comfort, the SLP98V furnace features exclusive PreciseComfort technology that continually makes seamless adjustments as small as 1%, while improving overall efficiency.
When combined with the advanced engineering of Lennox SilentComfort technology, homeowners are getting the quietest and most efficient furnace they can buy. And when properly matched with a high-efficiency cooling or heat pump system, the SLP98V will provide up to 1 SEER point improvement. Thanks to it's highly efficient performance, the SLP98V also qualifies for up to $1,500.00 in U.S. federal energy tax credits - and may be eligible for additional credits and rebates. A dual-fuel option allows for seamless alternation between energy sources, depending on the weather.
The compact design allows you to use larger high efficiency coils where space is tight. Venting is out of the cabinet top for more installation flexibility. A self-calibrating variable speed inducer provides industry leading vent lengths with no special elbow requirements. The sealed blower compartment minimizes losses to less than 0.75% leakage at 1.0" external static pressure. Service access is easy, with front facing screws for igniter and flame rod service. Direct read-out diagnostics help you quickly identify service issues.
Visit Lennox Industries Consumer Website
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